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Two Cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Confirmed in Florida Horses

Eastern equine encephalitis is caused by the Eastern equine encephalitis virus, for which wild birds are a natural reservoir and is transmitted by mosquitoes that feed on EEE-infected birds.

National Coalition Blasts BLM for Plans to Destroy Protected Idaho Wild Horse Herd

”Intent to turn federally-designated habitat into holding facility for captured, sterilized mustangs is a “raud on the American public,” group says.”

Merial Sponsors Summit for Horse Professionals

While the information the trainers took away regarding their businesses was worthwhile, so was what they learned about horse health care including stomach health and compounded medications.

What California Dressage Trainers and Riders are Saying About Click Horse Products

For difficult-to-bandage wounds or recurrent sores, Hock Shields are a preferred choice in hock protection for horses and now offer replacement elastic straps available for just $5 a pair.


Learn why Laminitis is one of the most dreaded diseases by horse owners and how proper horse management, with consistent practices as to feeding, routines, disease prevention, and good health care are important in preventing the disease.

PATH Intl. Center Executive Director Receives Humanitarian Award

Today, Windridge's programs assist more than 120 participants weekly in a 10-county region and employ six PATH Intl. Credentialed Professionals, two PATH Intl. instructors-in-training, 21 horses and more than 60 volunteers.

Checking Horse Pastures for Sources of Parasites

Strongyle egg distribution in pastures: What does eggs per gram of feces really mean? That’s a question we are often asked here at Horsemen’s Laboratory.

All Insulin Resistant/EMS Horses Have Laminitis

The important thing to realize is that these changes are occurring in every horse with elevated insulin, whether they are recognized to be in pain or not.


Learn about the symptoms of Founder also known as Laminitis and why determining the underlying cause which often originates elsewhere in the body is important for successful treatment of the disease.

2015 Brings Eight Great Clinics to One Fabulous Location

The diversity of the clinics offered is sure to benefit riders of all levels and disciplines as they they share one common theme, “improve the horse by improving the rider!” exclaims Palm.
