Learn about the ways a horse's senses allow them to stay safe and monitor their world for anything that might indicate danger is near and how they communicate …
Cribbing, weaving and stall walking are common stable vices. Learn the 8 common causes of stereotypies and 8 steps you can take to prevent these destructive …
Learn about the behavioral traits and challenges of your growing foal and how you fit into that ever-changing picture as the horse ages …
Six easy guidelines to learn how to use clicker training to train your horse. By equine behaviorist Jenni Nellist
Because of the horse's exceptionally perceptive and sensitive nature, he has the ability to detect sensory stimuli on the trail or in unfamiliar places that …
Video of donkey hoof trimming.
By the founder/editor of EquiMed, this book contains the foundation of complete horse healthcare. A must for every horse owner's home library.
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