Learn about the 5 feeding strategies that will help keep your dentally challenged horse healthy and content and why special treatment is often necessary, …
It is not an old-wives tale that a horse's age can be told by checking its teeth. Learn the different stages a horse's teeth go through and how the Galvayne's …
Learn about changes in dental practices by equine dentists and veterinarians who now care for your horse's teeth with less risk, less pain, and more comfort …
"When feeding a horse with no teeth or with very severe tooth damage, feed a slurry of complete pelleted feed and/or mashed alfalfa pellets, and add in some …
Horses do not usually develop cavities in their teeth. Instead, dental infections usually begin at the root of the tooth and are often preceded by gum infection …
Video of donkey hoof trimming.
By the founder/editor of EquiMed, this book contains the foundation of complete horse healthcare. A must for every horse owner's home library.
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