Falls, fire, structural inadequacies, and horse-related injuries are legitimate concerns for every horse owner. Read to learn the 12 tips for barn safety and …
Read about the 6 factors that affect the amount of water your horse needs daily and learn about the options available that enable you to make sure your horse …
Learn the 5 proven techniques that will provide grazing for your horse throughout most of the year, suppress weeds, and keep your pasture land vital and healthy …
Learn about the many factors that go into creating a healthy barn and how taking it one step at a time, while considering your needs for durability, ease of …
Many horses have allergic airway disease or heaves due to improper barn ventilation because of dust and poor-quality air held within the confines of the barn …
Video of donkey hoof trimming.
By the founder/editor of EquiMed, this book contains the foundation of complete horse healthcare. A must for every horse owner's home library.
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