Your horse's feet are very tough, but they are no match for a nail in the barnyard, or a loose shoe, or a jagged rock. Here are 3 ways to keep hoof emergencies under control along with important first-aid information.
Top-10 hoof diseases and conditions that you should understand. The more you know about hoof diseases and conditions, the better you can care for your horse's feet.
All horses require periodic hoof care. Here are the 6 foot care activities better left to a professional farrier.
10 things you can do to improve your horse's health. This article will help you develop the skills to maintain your horse's feet with occasional support by a professional farrier.
In the USA, most states do not have a licensing program for farriers, so a wide quality gap may occur among practicing farriers in many areas. Other countries have specific licensing and training requirements.
Although no general article can address the costs of a farrier in a particular area, learn about the value of a farrier's services and the support a competent farrier gives to maintaining soundness in your horse.
You will get better service from your farrier if you do your part to prepare for his or her visit. Here are some great ideas to help you become your farrier's favorite.
Learn how to make sure you and the farrier you hire are on the same page when it comes to emergencies and regular hoof care for your horse.
Learn about the 4 major services a farrier provides and how the farrier's knowledge and expertise are invaluable to you as a horse owner.
Read about the tools and equipment a farrier uses in caring for your horse's hooves and limbs and why you might want to have a few basic tools to use in case of an emergency.