Nutrition Health Center

Featured Articles

Meeting the Horse's Basic Dietary Needs

by EquiMed Staff

May 3, 2017 11:17

Horses require basic nutrition elements in proper proportions and amounts. This article discuss the equine's basic dietary needs, giving you the information you …

Preserving the Quality of Horse Hay, Grain and Feedstuffs

by EquiMed Staff

May 3, 2017 12:19

You pay good money to purchase quality hay and grains for your horse. This article outlines 15 things you can do to preserve the nutritional value and taste of …

Getting Value When You Purchase Horse Feed and Supplements

by EquiMed Staff

May 3, 2017 12:39

Feeding your horse is a major expense. Price ranges for feed and nutrients vary widely, and have increased in recent years due to higher grain costs. Learn how …

Feeding Starved or Malnourished Horses

by EquiMed Staff

October 6, 2018 13:24

Feeding a malnourished horse must be undertaken with special care. Improperly feeding a starved horse can lead to illness or death. This article provides …

Nutrition Tip

Irrigated hay crops have multiple "cuttings" during the growing season. Many prefer second or later cuttings as the first cutting may contain more weeds and more moisture leading to mold.

A Natural Approach to a Horse's Dietary Needs

by Flossie Sellers

May 6, 2017 12:54

This article discusses your horse's natural dietary needs, giving you the information you need to develop a healthy and complete feeding program for your horse …

  1. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  2. the branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition.


Hoof Care - Trimming the Donkey

Video of donkey hoof trimming.

Horse Snips

Horse Nutrition Video Shorts

Horse Health Matters

For Our Visitors!

By the founder/editor of EquiMed, this book contains the foundation of complete horse healthcare. A must for every horse owner's home library.

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