The Network for Horse Sports, premiered a popular new weekly reality series, "America's Favorite Trail Horse," in September, and the 13-week series, featuring horse and rider in tandem, will reach an exciting conclusion on Tuesday, Dec. 6 (8 p.m. ET)
Throughout the crush of holiday crowds and the rush of dwindling days, one question pulses in many peopleâs minds like the rum-pum-pumming of the Little Drummer Boyâs drum: what should I get Aunt Betsy?
The American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA) is excited to announce its annual Championship Shows that are held in the Eastern, Central and Western sections of the United States. The Championship shows offer an opportunity to view some of the most beau
Tractor Supply Company has signed on as a sponsor of A Home For Every Horse on, an industry-wide effort to reduce the number of homeless horses in America.
The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) is pleased to recognize half Morgan horses as part of a new competition program. Horses that have either a registered Morgan sire or dam are eligible to participate in AMHA's "Half Morgan Competition Progra
Ann Romney waved and cheered as rider Jan Ebeling guided his charge, Rafalca, through the dressage routine of pirouttes, trots and passages that make up the dressage performance. Although Rafalca's score was not among the leaders, a grinning Ebeling
Described as beautiful with spendid markings, Rafalca, the horse co-owned by Ann Romney and her dressage trainer Jan Ebeling, performed again Tuesday morning, earning a score 69.302, which means they are unlikely to advance to final competition.
Horse theft is a crime that is alive and thriving in the U.S. today with thousands of horses missing each year.
According to fire fighters, a barn fire near Magnolia Texas, has claimed the lives of at least 14 horses. The training barn housed 28 Arabian show horses and 14 of the horses were rescued. Several of the horses suffered burns and smoke inhalation, and au
According to an Equine Science Up-date, archeologists led by Professor Eliezer Oren from Ben Gurion University have excavated an equid burial at Tel-Haror, an archeological site with strata dating to the Middle Bronze IIB Period (1,750-1,650 B.C.). Among