The three big equine diseases transmitted by mosquitoes are West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalomyelitis, and Western equine encephalomyelitis.
Scientific findings support the understanding that the current equine vaccine will be equally effective against this strain, meaning reliable mitigation of human health risk is available via immunization of horses.
Ticks are a nuisance that often go undetected, but because of the risk of disease transmission, frequently examining your horse for their presence lowers the chances of exposure.
Cases of leptospiral abortion are detected each year and farm personnel should be aware that the aborted fetal tissues and mare urine are infectious to other horses and membranes, and placentitis.
The second-annual EquiSUMMIT will feature experts from industry and academia tackling important equine health issues such as Leaky Gut Syndrome, heat stress, inflammation issues and more.
Coronavirus infections in horses are definitely diagnosed by submitting feces for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to identify the implicated viral nucleic acids.
Equine Cushing's and Insulin Resistance Group Inc are offering $300 to offset testing costs for a PPID horse diagnosed by TRH testing if the owner tests again after the horse is on pergolide for at least 3 weeks.
Techniques using interconnected systems of genetic material and proteins to provide a holistic understanding of normal and abnormal pregnancy can help identify ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent pregnancy complications.
Equine Guelph's interactive learning tool teaches you what is normal and what is not when it comes to a horse’s joint and enables users to understand what is happening below the surface.
'We cannot continue to round up wild horses from their native habitats, cram them into holding pens and expect a good outcome for the wild horses or the taxpayers funding this broken system.'