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Horizon Structures Presents Series - The Horse Owner's Kennel Conundrum

The necessity to travel off the farm presents a dog care issue for the horse owner, who might like to take their canine contingent along to the showgrounds or event.

Personal Coaching from Monty Roberts for You and Your Horse

Monty Roberts has stayed true to his vision for eight decades since discovering that horses respond better when they trust you, than when you cause them pain.

Horizon Structures Presents Series…When You Need A Horse Barn Yesterday

One of many advantages of the prefabricated building is that minimal site preparation is required and the new horse shelter can appear as if by magic, within 24 hours of purchase.

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Make A One Stop Shop For Your New Horse Farm Buildings

The convenience of completing the task in a one stop shop, and to work with one Project Manager to execute the entire building project from start to finish is one horse owners are embracing.

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Get Inspired! Explore Horse Barn Designs Nationwide For Fresh Ideas

As not everyone is gifted at having innate vision when it comes to architecture and design elements of construction, the best route to perfect the right barn design at the right price is to do the research.

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Horses Will Be Horses and Dogs Will Be Dogs

For both the dog owner and the property and/or business owner, dogs can be a headache for to monitor, even if you are on site all the time.

Horizon Structures Presents Series:Why the Monitor Horse Barn is Still a Bestseller

An experienced modular horse barn building company can construct all three boxes to your custom design and build the barn in their factory.

Has Your Horse Been Exposed to a Parasite that Causes EPM?

Horse owners need to be aware of the signs of this debilitating neurological disease Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis.

Heed the Need to Prevent Infectious Disease Among Livestock and Horses at State Fairs

The Colorado State Fair is in full swing in Pueblo this week, and Colorado State University veterinarians join state health officials in advising livestock and horse owners to prevent the spread of infectious disease during the fair and similar events.

Where Rules Matter Most: Managing Your Horse's Medication

"Talk to your veterinarian about the best administration options for medications for your horse and consult your individual association’s rules regarding medications to prevent over and under dosing during training or before a competition.”
