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Equine Mosquito-borne Diseases at High Level

With more than 75 confirmed cases of equine West Nile virus (WNV) and 79 confirmed cases of Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) around the country as of the middle of August, 2012 could be a record year for horses contracting mosquito-borne diseases.

New Equine Fecal Transplant Research Reveals Challenges to Successul Microbiota Transplantation

One challenge to fecal microbiota transplantation is the path to the colon is much longer in a horse, precluding administration by enema for example, and requiring delivery into the stomach via the nose instead.

Western Horseman and Barrel Horse News Sponsoring Cowboyville's Coverage

Western Horseman and Barrel Horse News are sponsoring the nightly television coverage of the barrel racing competition held annually in Las Vegas, Nev., and slated this year for Dec. 5-14.

Archaeologists Unearth One of Earliest Known Frame Saddles

The research reveals the underappreciated role that ancient Mongolians played in the spread of horse riding technology and culture around the globe.

Learn the Cold Truth About Equine Pastern Dermatitis and Sox for Horses

Fighting equine pastern dermatitis, mud fever or mud rash, dew poisoning or greasy heel is frustrating in any season but winter makes it especially hard.

The Cold Truth About Equine Pastern Dermatitis and Sox for Horses

Fighting equine pastern dermatitis, mud fever or mud rash, dew poisoning or greasy heel is frustrating in any season but winter makes it especially hard.

Insulin Resistance or Insulin Dysregulation?

If insulin levels were truly being abnormally regulated with no connection to blood sugar, it would show up in the blood glucose.

Plant Pigments and Your Horse's Immune System

Did you know brightly colored foods are as healthy for your horse as they are for you?

Merial Introduces New Rewards Program for Horse and Cattle Owners

”MAX, Merial Awards Xpress, the innovative rewards program that puts money back into the pockets of loyal Merial customers can help horse and cattle owners keep their animals healthy, while saving money.”

UK Hosting Second Annual Equines & Endophytes Workshop Jan. 31

The challenge posed by toxic tall fescue is complex, but strategies for dealing with or eliminating it don't have to be.
