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Strangles Cases Bring Horse Racing Cautions

Because of the  outbreak of strangles at Saratoga Raceway in New York, racing officials in Canada and throughout the United States are cautioning horse owners not to enter horses in races that participated are were located at the Saratoga race track dur

One Size Doesn't Fit All When It Comes to Parasite Control for Your Horse

The most common and troublesome internal parasites in horses are roundworms, small and large strongyles, tapeworms and botfly larvae.

Horse Owners Are Invited To Participate In An EDCC Biosecurity Survey

Summarized information will be shared with the horse industry and used to create educational information, plus the EDCC will use the information to help owners protect their horses.

Preventing Chips and Cracks in Your Horse's Hooves

As a horse runs or moves over rough ground, the huge amount of weight and stress on the hoof can split the structure apart, and, once a crack or chip is started, it tends to grow.

Horses4Heroes Days at Tule Springs Kicks Off Week of March 3

Horses4Heroes with Cox Charities and the Associated General Contractors of America’s Las Vegas Chapter are presenting Horses4Heroes Days at Tule Springs, a celebration honoring local heroes and the horses that serve them every day.

How Should I Manage My Barefoot Horse?

Your barefoot trimmer must trim your horse to compensate for the lack of natural environment and movement.

Studies Investigate Human Impact on Physiological and Behavioural States of Equine Partners.

Since the advent of the ‘five freedoms of animal welfare’ and the evolution of ‘the five domains model’ increasing attention has been placed on equines not just surviving but thriving under human care.

Biggest Risks to Horse Health

According to the United States Department of Animal Health, the most common threats to horse health relate to lack of biosecurity precautions, contagious diseases, parasites, and transportation.

Equine Herpesvirus Cases Confirmed in England

An outbreak of equine herpes virus (EHV 1)has occurred in Gloucestershire and the British Horse Society has put together some advice for horse owners. Currently two horses have been shown to have the neurological form of the disease and one the respirator

Happy Ending to Horse Abuse Story

According to Ivory Hecker, a story that began four years ago, of 49 abused Arabian horses, has come to a happy ending. The Humane Society of the Midlands took possession of the horses in 2008 and nursed them back to health. All but 10 of the horses have n
