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Bill to Protect California Horses from Slaughter Passed by Legislature - Up for Governor's Signature

Last year, approximately 80,000 American horses (domestic and wild) were trucked to Canada and Mexico for slaughter for human consumption.

5 Safety Rules for Grooming Your Horse

Learn the 5 simple safety rules you should follow when grooming your horse to make it an enjoyable and productive experience.

Bluebonnet Horse Training Challenge Offers $10,000 in Prize Money

The Bluebonnet Training Challenge allows trainers and foster homes to show off their skills, and the horses gain valuable training that will help them find new homes.

Make the Most of Your Horse's Supplements

Are you looking to get the most out of your pricey supplements and expensive grain?  Consider adding one of Lucerne Farms’ forage products to your horses’ feeding routine. Mixing chopped hay with your grain and supplements encourages your horse to ch

Merck - A Vaccination Program That Fits Your Horse

With the threat of mosquito-borne diseases and myriad other threats to horse health, recognition of the importance of a good immunization program should be at the top of every horse owner's list.

Don't Let Horse Skin Issues Go Unchecked during Cold Weather

Horses develop tumors, nodules, and swellings on their skin in winter as well as during warmer months making it important to check your horse's skin often.

New Nutritional Supplements for Horses Available from Your Vet

Wiser Concepts supplements are affordable, research-proven, and targeted meaning that horse owners will now be consulting directly with their veterinarian to make sure their horses are getting the nutritional support they need.

Two Horses Test Positive for EVH-1 in California

The California racing board said the horses identified have the “non-neuropathogenic" strain of the equine virus, which is generally considered less virulent, and biosecurity measures recommended by the CHRB are being taken to ensure a safe environment.

Horse Racing Safety and Medical Reform Bill Introduced in California Assembly

The second horse racing safety bill of the year was introduced in the California Assembly on Tuesday February 11, 2020.

Don't Let Horse Skin Issues Go Unchecked during Cold Weather

Horses develop tumors, nodules, and swellings on their skin in winter as well as during warmer months making it important to check your horse's skin often.
