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Nominate Leaders for AYHC Leadership Awards

Who Are Your Heroes? AYHC seeks nominations for Youth Horse Industry Leaders awards Outstanding leaders are more than the backbone of the youth horse industry—they are the heroes. Every year the American Youth Horse Council recognizes dedicated leaders

Managing the "Hard Keeper"

A "hard-keeper" is a horse that needs special attention in order to maintain adequate weight, especially during the cold winter months. Learn the 8 things you can do to maintain your horse's weight and health.

Eye Injuries - Always an Emergency

Learn about different kinds of eye injuries in horses and the importance of prompt treatment by a veterinarian to prevent serious damage to the horse's vision.

OQHA Now Requires Negative Test for Piroplasmosis

The Ohio Quarter Horse Association now requires certification of a negative blood test for equine piroplasmosis for all horses entering the Ohio Expo Center for the All American Quarter Horse Congress. The test must have been completed within one year

Veterinarians Stress Importance of Hendra Virus Vaccine for All Horses

Veterinarians in Australia are rallying around the call for vaccinations for all horses against the life-threatening Hendra virus.

A Radio Program for Horse Lovers

The first live morning show with an equine theme, this light, lively, entertaining daily look at the horse world and the people in it is hosted by Glenn, the Geek, and Jamie Jennings and produced by Jennifer H.

How to Tie a Horse

Quick and easy to learn, a simple slip-knot is a good knot to use for tying your horse. Learn how to make this know, and importantly, learn where you should never tie your horse.

Research Shows Box Elder Trees Source of Deadly Horse Disease

For decades, hundreds of horses in North America and northern Europe have died from a pasture-associated muscle disease whose cause, prevention, and treatment have remained elusive.

Treatment for Malaria-like Disease in Horses Examined

Equine piroplasmosis is a parasitic blood disease that affects horses in many regions of the world. The disease is also known as babesiosis and bilary fever. It is transmitted by species of ticks affecting horses that were introduced into the United State

USRider: A Look at Horse Trailer Accidents (Part 1 of 2)

”Knowing that you may have a trailer full of injured horses is enough to spike your adrenaline, but staying calm will benefit you and your horses, because there is nothing more you can do but deal with the situation in a calm manner.”
