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Tips for Preventing Impaction Colic and Keeping Your Horse Healthy During Winter Weather

"Most horse owners know that colic is the number one noninfectious health risk for horses, and veterinarians warn that decreased water consumption is thought to be the primary predisposing factor for compaction colic.â

Empty Fields Everywhere - Why Movement Is So Important for Horses

Standing in a small area for hours on end (even if part of it is outdoors) takes its toll on your horse’s mental and physical health, to such a great extent, that it dramatically diminishes his quality, and length of life.

Tire Readiness for the Equestrian Traveling with Horses

”Statistics indicate that tire failure, especially on horse trailers, is the most common cause of roadside disablements causing stress for both horses and drivers.”

“Time to Ride” Stables Receive Grants to Welcome Newcomers

20 Hosts representing 15 states submitted plans that included events at elementary schools, equine veterinary clinics, rodeo events and more inviting families, students, Girl Scouts, rodeos attendees and the public to connect with horses.

Monty Roberts Surpasses 400 Milestone on Non-violent Training of Horses

”Considered the Rosetta Stone of the horse language, of gestures, like signing for the deaf, online lessons available 24/7 have contributed greatly to the encouragement and study of non-violent training of horses.”

Mounting Death Toll from BLM Wyoming Wild Horse Roundup Shows Dark Side of Government Program

Over 75 wild horses captured in Bureau of Land Management’s fall 2014 “Wyoming Checkerboard roundup” died in the days and months after capture.

Robert Redford Speaks Out Against Horse Slaughter

Redford, an actor, director, environmentalist and founder of the Sundance Festival, said: “Horses are acquired for slaughter without disclosure and often through fraud and misrepresentation.

Wild Horse Groups File for Injunction/TRO to Stop BLM Wyoming Checkerboard Roundup

"Motion seeks to enjoin BLM Agency from from conducting the roundup and removal of 500 wild horses from the Wyoming Checkerboard on October 18, 2016.”

Five Tips to Make Your Senior Horse Winter Ready

Make sure your senior horse is in the best shape possible and has additional physical and nutritional support to get him through the winter.

Unwanted Horse Coalition to Participate in #GivingTuesday

Participants should take an #UNselfie with a previously “unwanted” horse, and a sign with the name or logo of the equine welfare geoup they plan to support on #GivingTuesday.
