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Horse Owners Should Have Enough Hay to Feed Their Horses Through the Winter

The way horse owners feed hay may contribute to cost savings or losses and research shows that using a feeder that minimizes hay waste results in significant savings in feed costs.

Time To Ride® Helps Rebuild the Grass Roots Horse Industry

To connect more kids with horses while helping the horse industry recover from the pandemic, the Time To Ride program has been revised.

Breyer Releases Orren Mixer’s American Paint Horse Ideal Model

Just like no two Paint Horses are alike, no two Breyer models are ever exactly the same.

Federal Adoption Incentive Program Sends Over A Dozen Wild Horses and Burros to Slaughter Auctions

BLM Agency's recent reforms will not stop this tax-subsidized slaughter pipeline for federally-protected wild horses and burros.

Wild Horses Threatened by Government Agencies

According to Joe Camp, writer, creator of Benji, and an authority on wild horses, a new court battle "to once and for all give wild horses their rightful place as an Indigenous Native Species in the Western United States" is taking place right now.

5 Tips to Keep Horses Healthy in Hot Weather

As the summer heats up, follow these tips to keep your horse in the game with best practices in health and management.

Onaqui Wild Horses in Peril, Horse Advocates to Rear in Protest

Groups will encourage the BLM to expand the PZP fertility control program to stabilize the Onaqui wild horse population as opposed to the expensive and cruel planned roundup.

House Committee Moves to Reform Federal Wild Horse Program

The U.S. House is moving toward reforming the Wild Horse Program by requiring the BLM to pursue management alternatives to removing horses to holding facilities at astronomical costs.

Know Your Horse's Norms

Seeing our horses every day makes it hard to notice small changes, but if you have to stop and think about measuring and recording something, you pay much closer attention.

Reappearance of West Nile Virus in California

 The return of West Nile virus to California this year is renewing calls for horse owners to make sure their animals are vaccinated. In 2010, nineteen horses in California were diagnosed with the disease. All of the horses were either unvaccinated or
