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Other Worm Control Practices for Horses

What other practices can a horse owner use to control worms in addition to deworming, especially for the Habronema worms that cause summer sores?

Change is the Eternal Constant in the Horse World

To keep up with the changes, the new encyclopedia features over 1,700 entries, including more than 90 breed profiles and includes an increased emphasis on driving and draft horses, plus updates based on new scientific research.

Announcing a New View of Navicular Disease

”We call the Vet because our horse is lame, and too often the horse is diagnosed as “Navicular”; however, instead of treating the cause by re-establishing natural hoof function, we treat the symptom.”

Pigeon Fever Strikes Horses in Alberta, Canada

Southern Alberta horse owners are being advised to watch their animals for large lumps on their chests, following what are apparently the first-ever cases of pigeon fever in the province.

Keeping Horses Fed During Tough Times - A Free Webinar

A hay bank is a cooperative effort to help keep horses well-fed and healthy, even in hard times by providing support for struggling, but responsible owners.

New Book Tells Riders How To Speak 'Horse'

Known for his ability to keep things simple and easy to understand, renowned horseman Dick Pieper shares this knowledge in his new book, The Language of Horsemanship.

Tips for Frugal Horse Ownership - Topic for November Virtual KENA Meeting

This meeting, presented by Dinsmore & Shohl LLP Equine Law Group, is free and will feature tips and tricks to help horse owners save money while maintaining quality care.

When Horses Fly: New Study to Help Develop Health and Well-Being Guidelines for Air-Transported Horses

We have been flying blind, to a degree, when transporting our horses and this study will help us better understand how to optimize their health and welfare.

The Gift That Gives Back! Books by Horse People, for Horse People - with the Good of the Horse in Mind!

At Trafalgar Square Books, our vocation is to educate equestrians at all levels and from all disciplines on sound methods of horse care, training, and riding that are ‘for the good of the horse.'
