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New Year’s Resolutions for the Senior Horse Owner

Owners need to resolve to assess senior horses in two main areas: feed requirements and exercise/usability and should also resolve to embrace moderation in assessed outcomes.

California Fires Taking Toll on Horses, Livestock, and Pets

A number of horses and other animals are among the casualties of the multiple wildfires burning out of control in California.

Record Number of Americans Protest Wild Horse Roundup Scheduled to Appease Handful of Utah Ranchers

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has received a record number of public comments from over 35,000 individual citizens protesting a planned roundup of hundreds of wild horses from public lands in southwestern Utah.

A Horse's Eyes - A Key to State of Stress

A horse will blink less and twitch its eyelids more when it's under mild stress -- a new finding that could offer handlers a simple, easy-to-spot sign of agitation.

ASPCA Promotes Fostering and Adoption of Equines Amid COVID-19 Crisis makes it easy to help horses in need of temporary and adoptive homes.

BLM Drops Wild Horse Sterilization Experiments

BLM is dropping plans to conduct surgical sterilization experiments on mares to focus on humane fertility control vaccine for population management.

Metal Shoes, Hoof Pads , Boots or Barefoot: Which Works Best for Horses in Winter

Winter may be time to rehabilitate horse hoofs from the effects of metal shoes and hoof boots can be a useful, practical and no-nonsense tool.

Military Veteran And Horse Girl On HorseGirl TV

November 11th is Veteran’s Day.  Navy veteran Valerie Ormond honors that day in her novel "Believing In Horses."  Ormond’s novel tells the story of a young girl in a military family who commits to saving unwanted horses from an auction on – ye

This Week's Free Horse Business Tip

Equine Professional conducts a horse business survey every year, then crunch the data, put together charts, and compare the results of the current year to past results which enables them to provide an inside look of how horse professionals from a wide var

Time to Ride Congratulates Pledge to Take a Friend Horse Back Riding Sweepstakes Winner

"Caitlin W. of Parker, Colorado, was selected as winner in the random-draw Time to Ride sweepstakes and will enjoy a three-night stay at The Resort at Paws Up for entering the Pledge sweepstakes in September.”
