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Protect Your Horse from Winter Pain with Bit Blanket

A revolutionary bit accessory created to protect horses from the pain and discomfort caused by freezing cold bits is now available in stores throughout the US and Canada.

10 Tips for a Safe and Sane Holiday Season for You and Your Horse

"Follow these 10 tips to enjoy the holiday season while keeping it safe and sane for you and your horse.”

Keep Your Horse Safe on Fall Grass

Fall means that horse owners need to reconsider their grazing strategies, especially for those horses with metabolic issues.

Senior Horses in Competition - "Show Some Love" and Share Your Story wants to hear about equine senior horses that successfully competed throughout the year as part of “Show Some Love” campaign to promote the use of horses well into their upper senior years.

Obese Riders Cause Misbehavior and Back Pain in Horses

According to Keith Chandler, president of the British Equine Veterinary Association, “A good proportion of our members’ time is taken up with dealing with lameness and back problems, and a proportion of them will be caused by the wrong riders on the w

Rider Safety Program Releases New Booklet on Horse Pasture Safety

UK HealthCare, in partnership with University of Kentucky colleges of Agriculture and Public Health and in conjunction with close to 50 community, equine and medical organizations, has released a new educational booklet within the Saddle Up Safely educati

Standardbred Registry Supporting Horse Rescue Initiative

The United States Trotting Association (USTA) has signed on as a sponsor of the 8th annual Equine Extravaganza, a three day horse expo to be held November 2 – 4 in Richmond, Virginia. 

Announcing the $15,000 Cavallo/ACTHA Trail Ride Competition

Now on level footing from Rhode Island to Texas (and yes Canada too) riders will be eligible to win $15,000.00 by participating in 7 qualified American Competitive Trail Horse Association rides.

Humane Society Sponsors Tennessee Walking Horse Show

As part of its efforts to end the abuse of Tennessee walking horses, the Humane Society of the United States has become a corporate sponsor of the World Versatility Show.

Neglected Retired Race Horse Finds Safety in New York

A former race horse was rescued from neglect thanks to the collective effort of The Homes for Horses Coalition, Fleet of Angels, Second Chance Thoroughbreds and transporter Brian McRae.
