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A New Twist on a Holiday Favorite - Great Gifts for Your Equine Family

”A little special attention to your equines this holiday season will pay big dividends in better horse health and well-being and will spread holiday cheer all year long.”

Understanding the Aggressive Horse

Not all aggression is bad behavior. Sometimes it is playful and we must recognize when a horse is telling us they want to play and we must allow them to do just that.

Results Are In - AHP Completes Equine Survey

American Horse Publications (AHP) conducted its second online nationwide equine industry survey from March 5th, 2012, through May 20th, 2012.

Jackie McConnell To Be Sentenced for Horse Soring

According to a Tennessee Walking Horse publication, a federal judge today will decide whether to accept a horse trainer’s guilty plea in a case that sparked a firestorm of public outcry over abuse in the Tennessee walking horse industry.

Kentucky Horse Council Announces May KENA Topic: Managing Mud

The large amount of precipitation in the past year has caused issues that affect horses, from skin infections, to hoof issues, to pasture problems.

Julie Goodnight Weighs in on Grooming Horses

"I still want my horses to look great. I want long, thick manes, full tails, a coat with a radiant shine and bright dapples," as she announces official partnership with ShowSheen.

Study Reveals Insight into Discipline-specific Causes of Lameness in Horses

Specifically, the foot region was the most commonly diagnosed source of lameness for the horses in this study.

A Horse Helper - Benefits of Steamed Hay

Haygain steamed hay is key to Georgina Bloomberg's proactive approach to her horses' respiratory health.

Help Your Horse Breathe Easier

SmartPak offers smart tips for supporting your horse's respiratory health.

Horse Coughing? The Time To Take Action Is Now!

Heave Line - The heave line develops along the lower edge of the rib cage as the horse has to work harder to breathe, due to inflammation and airway obstruction.
