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Equine Health Alerts Issued by CDFA Animal Health and Food Safety Services

Equine Herpes Virus infection in horses can cause respiratory disease, abortion in mares, neonatal foal death and neurological disease.

Muscular Disorders of Athletic Horses and How they Affect Horse Performance

Genetic testing is available for many of these heritable equine muscular disorders which are common in athletic horses, and can be frustrating and even fatal.

'Rearing' to Go: What to Do When Horses Rear

Riders and handlers need to know how to respond safely and effectively when a horse rears - and what NOT to do in this dangerous situation.

ASPCA Grants More Than $800,000 in 2018 to Help Horses in Need

ASPCA fuels innovative grant opportunities to help horses safely transition to new homes, provide critical safety net resources, and enhance anti-cruelty efforts.

Seven Hidden Dangers Common in Every Horse Barn

”In the very best barns with the most conscientious owners, modern horses are often subjected to unnatural stresses that can pose serious health risks, from colic to gastric ulcers, and beyond.”

Preparing for Winter

Horses enjoy cold weather and the relaxation that winter brings, but it takes more than hay to keep them healthy during the colder months.

Conditioning the Young Green Horse

Every green horse needs a gradually-increasing fitness program to bring heart, lungs, muscles, tendons and joints to optimum strength before long rides or rigorous athletic maneuvers.

Cheers to Horses and Summer - From Where It All Began for the EQUUS Foundation

These rescued horses represent the thousands of adoptable horses that are available across the country who need new homes and new careers.

Emergency Funding for America's Equines Facing Unexpected Circumstances

The EQUUS Foundation is the only national animal welfare charity in the US 100% dedicated to protecting America’s horses from peril and strengthening the bond between people and horses.

Drugs and Your Horse - The Dangers of Medicating

Horse owners should be aware of the more frequent reactions to drug use in their horses and consider both the short term and long term effects before use and consideration of the horse’s welfare should be not only for the present, but also for its futur
