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Keep Horse Happy and Healthy While Traveling!

Lynn Palm ~ Palm Partnership Training® Tip of the Month: Keep your horse happy and healthy while traveling: When I travel with my horses for six or more hours, I am sure they are prepared for the trip by mixing a hot bran mash with mineral oil at least

Don't Let the Sun Set on a Case of Choke in Your Horse

When horses are greedy eaters or have had esophageal trauma, or ongoing dehydration that compromises swallowing action, they may become predisposed to choke.

Top Seasonal Horse Care Tips from Equine Guelph

Winter is here! Are you Ready? Horse care tips for cold weather from Equine Guelph.

Learn More About Joint Junctions and Functions in Horses

Interactive graphics include a 360 degree tour of a horse joint and an actual x-ray coupled with games and fact sheets, so horse people can learn more about equine joint disease.

Horse Butchering Feud Continues in New Mexico

After months of wrangling, a New Mexico state district judge issued an injunction to stop Valley Meat Company from opening a horse slaughtering plant after New Mexico's state attorney general filed suit claiming the plant would contaminate the food ch

Israel Bans Horse-drawn Vehicles from Public Roads

More than 120 years after the invention of the automobile, horse-drawn wagons look set to disappear from Israel's roads later this year. Sometime in the next few days, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is expected to sign regulations barring any ve

Horse Mood, Emotion, and Temperament Influence Performance

Achieving the best performance from a horse is the goal of not just professional riders, but also the millions of amateur and hobby riders all over the world.

Equine Agility for Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Youth

Equine Agility is one of the fastest growing horse sports in the world! It is a non-mounted sport in which horse and human work through a course for a score based on time and proper completion.

Oldest Horse in the World - Shayne - Age 51

According to reporter Andrew Levy, who writes for the UK Mail Online News, a chestnut stallion that has lived at the Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary in Brentwood, Essex, since 2007, may be the oldest horse in the world at age 51.

Equine Veterinarians Praise Passage of Anti-Soring Legislation in U.S. House

AAEP hails passage of Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) in the U.S. House of Representatives which will help end the cruel and inhumane practice of horse soring.
