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Rally to Save Utah Wild Horses and Burros Is Joined by Katherine Heigl

The roundup will send 80 percent of the Onaqui wild horse herd to BLM corrals, in the process injuring or even killing some of the frightened animals. and some will wind up in foreign slaughterhouses.

ASPCA Awards $15,000 to Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue to Support their Efforts to Train and Rehome Horses

Grant funding will be used to showcase adoptable horses through the Appalachian Trainer Face Off contest.

Now Is the Time To Show Your Horse Some Love

Arrival of spring means it's time to make a vaccination appointment to help guard your horse against all core diseases.

Equine Feeding Methods: Study Examines Effects On Health, Well-Being

Selecting the right feeding technique can extend the time horses engage in natural behaviors, reducing the incidence of chronic stress and potentially curbing emergence of abnormal and stereotypic behaviors.

Horse Hoof Problems - How To Spot Them and More

"Some common horse hoof problems and hoof diseases happen to the healthiest hooves, so it is important to know what to watch for, and what to do when a problem arises.

Five Top Ways to Control Mud in Horse Pastures and Paddocks

Mud is not only a nuisance, but it is a safety and health hazard for horses because it contains bacteria that can cause diseases and can also lead to injuries like bowed tendons.

Hoof Care for a Horse with Laminitis and or Founder

Attention to routine nursing care by the owner is usually the most significant factor in influencing the recovery rate of a horse afflicted with Laminitis and/or Founder.

Do Horses Develop Dementia?

With today's horses living much longer than previously, researchers are beginning to address the physical and mental health issues that develop with longevity.

Science Confirms It: Monty Roberts' Join-Up® is Gentle on Horses

"Although training horses during public demonstrations is a mild stressor, the stress responses observed during the Join-Up® study showed that the method did not present psychological or physical stressors which would negatively affect the horse's welfa

Renowned Animal Scientist Dr. Temple Grandin Shares "Secret" to Calm, Safe and Happy Horses "Let The Horse Be A Horse"

Dr. Grandin personifies a commitment to the well being of all living beings - horses, cows and people, with or without autism according to MCH director, Janet Rose.
