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Empty Fields Everywhere - Why Horse Movement is So Important

All body systems of the horse, including cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, neuromuscular, and skeletal systems depend on exercise to remain sound.


 Read about over-reaching as a timing problem and how it relates to the horse's conformation, degree of fitness, fatigue, age, or improper riding, and learn ways to correct this gait pattern that can lead to injury to the lower limbs of the horse.

BLM Delays Wyoming Wild Horse Roundup As Preliminary Injunction Motion Filed

The plaintiffs maintain that they will suffer irreparable harm if the roundup takes place and are asking the judge to enjoin the BLM from proceeding to remove the horses until after the merits of the case are heard.

Merial Launches Osteoarthritis Web Site for Horse Owners

With equine osteoarthritis (OA) having a major impact on the horse industry and sometimes determining the level of performance for many riders and their equine companions, understanding and being able to treat the pain and inflammation associated with equ

Research Studies Standing Fracture Repairs in Horses

After Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro underwent surgical repair of a severe fracture many equine veterinarians were hearing the same statement “I didn’t think you could fix a broken leg in a horse”. The truth is some you can and some you cannot.

Recognizing the Importance of Nutrition in Horse Health and Welfare

Offered online starting January 7, 2013 through the University of Guelph as part of its Equine Welfare Certificate, Advanced Equine Health through Nutrition will be of benefit to not only horse owners or caretakers, but vet technicians and veterinarians a

Research Key to Recurrent Airway Obstruction in Horses

 Research into genes in horses that produce a certain protein may lead to treatment for both recurrent airway obstruction in horses and also asthma in people.

Five Tips for Keeping Kids and Horses Cool at the Fair

Heat and high humidity are a concern for horses, exhibitors and kids at the fair, but tips about hydration, clothing and feed can help keep fair days pleasant.

New Case of Hendra Virus Confirmed

Another case of Hendra virus was detected last week in Queensland, Australia. News agencies reported that a veterinarian treated a gravely ill horse in the northern part of the state. Lab results confirmed that the animal had Hendra virus (HeV), a severe

Protect Your Horse from Getting Tetanus

According to Pfizer Animal Health, all horses are at risk for developing tetanus. Along with a number of horse diseases such as West Nile virus, Eastern and Western equine encephalitis, rabies, and strangles, tetanus, is preventable through a veterinaria
