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Urgent Action Needed to Stop Slaughter of Horses in Missouri

Rains Natural Meat in Missouri is scheduled to begin slaughtering horses in January which is right around the corner and is the month horses will go back to slaughter here in the United States.

Greenwell Foundation To Host Author Event for Beloved Horses Series 10th Anniversary

On Sunday, May 11, at Greenwell Foundation Stables, Sharon Miner will speak about her inspiration for writing the Beloved School Horses series, read Spot’s story and answer questions.

Two Missouri Horses Stolen and One Comes Home. Where's Babe?

On Tuesday, May 26, 2014, two horses were standing in an Oregon County pasture when the sun went down. Wednesday morning there was no trace of the two.

Free "Rainy Day" Horse Lessons from AWC

The underlying message reinforced in the AWC lessons is the vital importance of conscious, responsible ownership as the key to the truly humane treatment of horses.

Study Shows Human Leadership Traits Improve by Working with Horses

The before-and-after survey results showed there was an increase in the EQ scores of the intervention group that actively engaged with horses in all four competency areas when compared to the control group.

1st Michigan EEE Case of Year Found in Clare County Horse

The percentage of deaths is much higher in horses - 90% - than it is in people - 33% - and there is a vaccine for horses, but not for people.

Colder Weather Brings Horse Hoof Difficulties

Horse owners and stable staffers may be reluctant to schedule farrier appointments in inclement weather, but equine hoof health depends on regular checkups, trimmings, and general care.

Horse&Rider OnDemand Launches New Yearling Training Video Series with Multiple World Champion Anthony Leier

Anyone working with a foal, weanling, yearling, or previously untouched horse can benefit from Leier's new training video series on Horse&Rider OnDemand.

Prioritize Horse Hoof Care During Cold Weather

Horse's hooves may grow somewhat slower in colder temperatures, but they may also chip and crack under such conditions making farrier care doubly important.

BLM Scraps Law to Protect Wild Horses - Will Resume Selling Wild Horses by the Truckload

Congress prohibits the sale of wild horses to anyone who will sell them for slaughter, but the fate of 'sale authority' horses is already difficult to track, and the new rule will make it even harder.
