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Research Study into Causes of Laminitis Now Underway

In a bid to counter the deadly effects of laminitis, Queensland University of Technology is conducting a worldwide study into what predisposes horses to this chronic disease.

Protecting Horses from Snake Bites During Autumn Weather

Clinical signs of snake bites in horses are the result of local effects of the venom which is highly complex and toxic properties vary among snake species and between individuals within the same species.

Ivory Pal - A Compelling Story for People Who Care About Horses

Ivory Pal: Born to Fly Higher ~ beyond the blue ribbons - is a story that takes us into the world of horse soring to meet a beautiful horse that, in spite of ill treatment by those who should know better, comes back to be an incredible inspiration for eve

Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Strikes Horses in at Least Six States in 2019

USDA confirms that Vesicular Stomatitis Virus has been diagnosed in horses in 6 states: Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming, as of mid-August, 2019.

Learn Practical Nutrition Tips with New Equine Guelph Videos

Part 3 of the digestive journey of a horse is coming to your screen December 2020!

Tempting Picky Eater Horses

Horses instinctively seek readily digestible calories which are the first priority in survival.

Keeping Muddy Conditions Under Control in Horse Pastures and Stable Areas

Mud, when mixed with manure, can harbor harmful bacteria creating an ideal environment for thrush, scratches, and rain rot in horse's feet and on their legs.

Common Horse Hoof Problems - How To Spot Them and More

Some common horse hoof problems and hoof diseases happen to the healthiest hooves, so it is important to know what to watch for, and what to do when a problem arises.

Monty Roberts Adds 2021 Dates for Horse Training Classes in Sunny California

In his 32nd year of demonstrating methods of nonviolent training of horses, Monty Roberts adds dates for instruction in his gentle methods of horse training.

EDCC Receives Federal Grant to Promote Biosecurity Awareness, Mitigate Infectious Disease Spread

Horses are transported more than any other livestock to horse shows, racetracks, sales, breeding farms and international events, creating an increased risk for infectious disease spread within the United States.
