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American Quarter Horse Foundation Awards 37 Scholarships for 2022-23

These scholarship recipients are individuals who carry a passion and dedication to the American Quarter Horse as they begin their careers.

Flooding and Heavy Rain Making Life Miserable for Horses and Humans

In spite of the relief that rain brings to drought-stricken areas such as California, extra moisture can create health issues for horses because of prolonged exposure to moisture and muddy areas.

Looking Out for Your Senior Horse during Cold Weather

Middle age for humans begins about 45 while middle age for your horse begins at around 15 with a life expectancy of about 30 years.

Every Breath Horses Take Affects Every Move They Make

The horse's muscle and heart function adapt and improve with conditioning, but the oxygen capacity of its respiratory system does not.

Merial Helps Set Stage for Success

Competitive riders will use nearly any and all tools available to calm those pesky horse show nerves.  Like most seasoned athletes, they are prepared, excited and passionate about competing, but their nerves can and do, sometimes, get the best of them.

Summer Treats for Your Horse

Popsicles for the kids. How about a summer treat for your horse. Get some great ideas from Miriam about cost-effective and horse-preferred treats.

Alltech Salutes the Horse and Global Equestrian Community

The FEI proposes that December 13 be designated the International Day of the Horse and hopes that the official designation will be granted by the United Nations in 2014, the Chinese Year of the Horse.

Why Genetic Research Is Important to Horse Owners

Whether you are an owner, breeder, rider or other equine enthusiast, there are some essential genetics that can help you understand the over all make up of horses and how they are affected by their DNA inheritance.

Best Time to Feed Horse Before Competition

One of the most common questions asked about feeding the performance horse is when to feed before a competition. Theoretically, feeding should be timed so that all of the nutrients from a meal have been digested, absorbed, and stored before starting exerc

Study Proposed to Determine How Gelding Affects Wild Horse Populations

”A proposed study aims to explore what happens when most of a wild herd’s adult male horses are neutered, but horse advocates who generally support fertility control, say the new research proposal targeting a Utah herd for castration goes too far.”
