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The Benefits of Probiotics and Prebiotics for Horses

The horse's digestive tract is home to billions of beneficial microorganisms - or probiotics - that help digest food and keep harmful pathogens from invading the body through food intake.

Oldest DNA from Domesticated American Horse Lends Credence to Shipwreck Folklore

Feral horses have roamed freely across the long stretch of barrier island for hundreds of years, but exactly how they got there has remained a mystery.

Don't Forget to Re-Test ~ Fecal Egg Count Re-Test Matters

You must also consider the notion that your horse might harbor worms that are resistant to the dewormer protocol that you utilized.

Rabies or Colic - Similar Symptoms Can Place Horse Owners at Risk

Preventive care through annual vaccination is the only way to protect horses against rabies - a fatal disease once clinical signs appear.

Unsanctioned Racing's Role in Equine Infectious Anemia and Equine Piroplasmosis in the United States

From 2008 through 2022, 541 cases of equine piroplasmosis and 409 cases of equine infectious anemia were confirmed in current or former Quarter Horse racehorses, many with ties to unsanctioned racing.

Case of EHV-1 Confirmed in North Carolina

The neurologic form of equine herpesvirus, EHV-1, has been confirmed in a North Carolina horse. The horse, from a Rockingham County stable, was taken to the College of Veterinary Medicine at N.C. State University upon becoming ill, and directly quarantine

Horse Back Riding Is Good for Health

Research commissioned by The British Horse Society (BHS) has found that regular participation in horse riding is good for your health. The research, carried out by the University of Brighton in partnership with Plumpton College looked into the health and

Monty Roberts Arrives in India to See the Impact of Charity's Local Equine Welfare Work

Monty, known as the “man who listens to horses,” promotes a non-violent approach towards horse-handling and his mission in life is to leave the world a better place than he found it, for horses and for people.

Monty Roberts' Horse Sense and Healing Veterans Program Seen on TV

Monty Roberts' self-awareness exercise deals effectively with emotional trauma, anti-social behavior and withdrawal, anger, stress, combat stress and even Post Traumatic Stress Injury.

D.C. Appeals Court Overturns Forest Service Decision to Shrink Size of California Wild Horse Territory

The federal courts have again reined in a government agency intent on turning public lands over to private interests and eliminating federally protected wild horses.
