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Federal Court Dismisses Nevada Cattlemen’s Anti-Mustang Lawsuit

"This frivolous bid by cattlemen to roundup and slaughter America’s iconic wild horses to clear the public lands for commercial livestock grazing has now been soundly rejected by the federal court,” said Suzanne Roy, director of AWHPC.

Recent Research in Horses Shows Obesity Not Just a Problem for Humans

The Animal Health Trust’s obesity research has helped to highlight obesity as a significant equine welfare issue and provided valuable information for owners.

Is Your Horse's Diet Coming Up Short?

According to a survey by SmartPak, 7 out of 10 horses aren’t getting a full serving of fortified grain or complete feed.

USRider: Traveling with an Older Horse

The aging process affects all horses, especially those traveling to shows and trail rides may face even more geriatric problems. USRider takes a look at how to keep your older equine partner safe and happy while on the road.

To Keep the West Wild - New Docuseries Explores the Endangered Lives of America's Wild Horses

Combining beautiful cinematography with expert interviews, Wild Lands Wild Horses seeks to tell the story of America's wild horses.

Cavallo Horse & Rider: Keep Old Boots for Future Hoof Emergencies

Keep your older Cavallos to help your horse feel cushioned and comfortable if he has laminitis or a hoof injury because older boots are shaped to your horse's hoof and will feel comfortable during stall rest.

Celebrate Horse Week October 9-15

Watch the free equine-centric digital festival, brought to you by Boehringer Ingelheim and Equine Network LLC - Tune in from the barn, office or the comfort of your couch.

ASPCA Celebrates a Year of Progress and Collaboration for At-Risk Equines

In support of advancing programs that support at-risk and adoptable equines, the ASPCA granted nearly $1 million to over 30 equine adoption organizations and industry partners in 2023.

Hold Your Horseshoes: Paper Shows Shoeing Improves Gait Quality

Shoeing horses changes how their foot interacts with the ground and like with humans, the shoes provide better grip with the ground and limit how much the foot slides.

Make Sure Horses Have Fresh Water Supply

Having a supply of fresh drinking water for your horses is important year round, but during hot summer weather it is critical to their health and well-being. Different  horse farms and locations may have different sources of water including streams, po
