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Helpful Tips to Care for Your Senior Horse This Winter

No matter what your horse’s chronological age, if he’s starting to show signs of aging such as stiffness, difficulty maintaining weight, or decreased immune response, it’s time to start thinking of him as a senior.

Cavallo Horse & Rider Benefits Horses Displaced During Northwest Forest Fires

Cavallo offered support as the rescuers learned how to use boots for medical aids and support during the rescues since the boots can be used to help with many injuries and care needs.

Spring Mountain Alliance Responds to BLM “Emergency” Roundup of Up to 200 Wild Horses in Cold Creek, Nevada

”Arlene Gawne, President of America's Wild Horse Advocates the Spring Mountain Alliance announced their reaction regarding the Bureau of Land Management's announcement of its intent to conduct an "emergency" removal of up to 200 wild horses from the Col

Gentling Wild Horses Course in California

On April 19 to 23, 2021 Monty Roberts will again facilitate the Gentling Wild Horses Course at his International Learning Center.


Seizures are rare in horses, but may result from secondary causes that affect the brain. Conditions such as encephalitis, trauma, tumors and oxygen deprivation in foals may contribute to the occurrence of seizures in horses.


Learn why rabies is nearly always fatal and why vaccination to prevent this disease should be a priority for every horse owner because of the lack of any effective treatment once a horse contracts rabies.

Senate Committee Acts to Sustain Horse Slaughter Ban in the U.S.

"We don’t round up dogs and cats for slaughter, and it should be unthinkable to do that to horses, a species that helped us settle the nation.”

November: The Month for Improving Your Horse Business Financially

November is the time to create financial projections for the end of 2013 so you can estimate whether your horse business will have operated at a profit or a loss.

Research into Gut Bacteria May Save Horses' Lives

Ontario Veterinary College researcher, Dr. Scott Weese has a number of horse-related research goals. Among them is better understanding of the role of Clostridium difficile, an anaerobic spore-forming bacterium in the different types of intestinal dise

Hagyard Equine Medical Institute Releases Study on Gastric Ulceration

We were able to determine that horses with ulcers can be successfully treated with a naturally safe and effective polysaccharide blend of hyaluronan and schizophyllan.
