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Reduce Your Horse's Risk of Spring Colic

Since spring is the epitome of change, it is common sense that the horses' gut does not cope well with the season's quick environmental and nutritional changes leading to new cases of colic.

Reduce Your Horse's Risk of Spring Colic

Since spring is the epitome of change, it is common sense that the horses' gut does not cope well with the season's quick environmental and nutritional changes leading to new cases of colic.

Umbilical Hernia

Read to learn how to recognize an umbilical hernia in a foal, what the main dangers are, and why a veterinarian should be called to assess the size and status of the hernia and determine the best treatment.

Grateful for Horses

For all the stress that Covid-19 brought in 2020, the year came with a broader focus on the benefits of being with horses and being outdoors.

What's The Scoop On Puffed Grains for Horses?

Of the various processing methods puffed grains incorporate the highest level of digestibility for the horse, plus help to minimize the risk of colic, founder and laminitis.

American Horse Council Surveys Members and Non- Members

Overall, AHC members find equine industry issues related to tax, import/export of horses, and the EIS the most important legislative/regulatory issues and initiatives for AHC to focus on presently.

Horse Feed Stolen In South Carolina

According to a report filed with the Camden, South Carolina, Police Department, horse feed valued between $10,000 and $15,000 is missing from a feed and hay distribution store. The missing bags of horse feed came to light after an stock inventory repor

Ten Tips to Keep Your Horse Safe During Fireworks

As prey animals, horses naturally react to unusual loud noises and movements made by fireworks. The louder the noise or the faster the movement, the more the horse will react.

Ten Tips to Keep Your Horse Safe During Fireworks

As prey animals, horses naturally react to unusual loud noises and movements made by fireworks. The louder the noise or the faster the movement, the more the horse will react.

US Horse Population - Statistics

Presently three major organizations collect and publish data regarding the US horse population, albeit with different target audiences and different definitions.
