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Respiratory Conditions in Horses and Humans Studied

As reported in a One Health Initiative news letter, researchers, including veterinarians and doctors, are working to better understand diseases in animals and humans .

Zoetis Offers Education about Parasite Risk Factors

Parasites steal nutrition, energy and good health from horses, and left unchecked, parasites can cause damage to vital organs, impair growth and performance, and may cause colic.

Anti-doping Rules for Equestrian Sports Introduced in Ireland

National anti-doping rules for all equestrian disciplines have been introduced in Ireland for the first time and became effective on April, 1, 2012. The new rules were passed unanimously at a board meeting of Horse Sport Ireland. Horse Sport Ireland Chair

Fall is the Time to Take Care of Tapeworms

In his Expert Column - Hoyt Cheramie, DVM, MS, a member of the Merial Veterinary Service team, addresses a question many horse owners are asking: Question: With the temperatures getting colder, do I still need to worry about tapeworms?

Federal Judge Stops BLM from Conducting Inhumane Horse Sterilization Experiments

"We thank the court for preventing the BLM from proceeding with a reckless and inhumane surgical sterilization experiment that endangers the lives of wild horses."

Shagya-Arabians Display Endurance at 2017 Tevis Cup Ride

The Tevis Cup, a 100 mile endurance ride staged out of Auburn, CA, is considered one of the toughest rides in North America with an average completion rate of only 50%.

Symposium and Awards Dinner with Monty Roberts and Friends Coming May 23-24

Discover what horses have to teach us about lowering stress and building trust at symposium and awards dinner with Monty Roberts.

Paranoid about Spring Pasture?

SmartLamina Pellets are specially designed to help maintain laminar health in easy keepers and horses with insulin resistance or pituitary dysfunction.

Understanding Antioxidant Supplements for Horses

”Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin E must be offered to horses in a way that maximizes absorption. It must become water-soluble or dispersable in liquid.”

Equine NSAID Best Practices

”Horse owners and trainers have access to NSAIDs through their veterinarian with a prescription, and the veterinarian should be involved every time when determining if an NSAID should be used.”
