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New Case of Easterm Equine Encephalitis Found in New York

Public Health Dept. warns of eastern equine encephalitis found in Rossie-area horse in St Lawrence County, New York.

Timely Cold Weather Hoof Care Helps Prevent Thrush and Seedy Toe

While some horse's bodies may slow down hoof growth in colder months, hoof care is still required to maintain a healthy hoof and prevent thrush and seedy toe.

AHP Equine Industry Survey Demonstrates Stability Based on the Number of Horses Owned/Managed

Coming on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, the survey serves as an important benchmark in the health of the equine industry now and in the future.

West Nile Virus Here To Stay in Horses

Protect horses with effective mosquito control by eliminating breeding sites by removing standing water, cleaning water containers and stocking water troughs with fish that feed on mosquito larvae.

ThinLine Reinvents the Slow Feeder Muzzle for Horses

Unlike any others, the flexible Filly Muzzle is made of supple, lightweight material and features an "Open" design.

Cooling Down Your Horse during Hot, Humid Weather

Study of methods for cooling horses in hot, humid conditions found that continual application of cool running water is the most effective method to decrease core temperature.

EQUUS Foundation Announces 2016 Champion Scholarship Recipients Sponsored by Ariat International

"Read more about these exceptional individuals who logged hundreds of hours in support of organizations on our Equine Welfare Network while still maintaining a dedication to academic excellence by achieving an average GPA of 3.9!.”

Pigeon Fever

 Learn about pigeon fever in horses which is characterized by large abscesses that require drainage, and how good sanitation measures and insect control are helpful in preventing the disease.

A Parelli Valentine for Your Horse

Love Is In The Air and Your Perfect Match Is Waiting… Right In His Stall! He’s always there for you. He’s tall, dark and handsome. He’s an incredible listener, and he’s always so appreciative when you bring him his dinner. He never talks back,

Puncture Wounds

Learn why puncture wounds in a horse are considered extremely dangerous and the 10 steps you should take to prevent infection when your horse suffers from a puncture wound.
