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Horses with Cushing’s May Benefit from Omega-3

Kauffman’s Animal Health, Inc., a leader in the animal health industry for over 30 years, has combined flaxseed and fish oil into a highly palatable, balanced source of Omega-3 fatty acids for high performance equine athletes, as well as horses provided

American Horse Council to Build Universal Equine Microchip Look-Up Tool

AHC is partnering with Jockey Club Technology Services to build a look-up tool for microchips in horses and inviting collaboration with registries storing equine microchip data.

ShowPRO: The ALL-IN-ONE "Finishing Spray" for Horses

”BSI/COLDFLEX has announced the immediate availability of ShowPRO+ for horses enabling customers to purchase the only earth friendly "finishing spray" that shines, conditions, and repels insects and dirt.”

New Case of Vesicular Stomatitis Confirmed in Colorado Horse

”An additional case of vesicular stomatitis has been confirmed in a Colorado horse adding to cases already confirmed by initial Colorado disease investigations accomplished by field veterinarians from the State Veterinarian’s Office at the Colorado De

Donations Allow Unwanted Horse Coalition to Schedule More Gelding Clinics

Since Operation Gelding was initiated in September 2010, it has assisted in gelding 771 stallions and has provided $38,550 in grant money to organizations hosting Operation Gelding castration clinics.

New Facility Provides Ultimate in Horse Care

One of few publicly accessible equine rehabilitation facilities in the Northeast, the new Morrisville State College Equine Rehabilitation Center (MSCERC) offers equipment and rehabilitation techniques to keep healthy horses conditioned, and to help inju

Horse Shows - Five Ways to Save Money

According to Horse Cent$ Magazine, it is possible to lower the costs of participating in horse shows. Waiting until the last minute to make your plans for a horse show directly affects your overall costs.  Planning and organizing is one of the best ways

Study: Does Learning with Horses Build Competencies?

In May, the University of Kentucky Center for Leadership Development will be launching a six-month pilot study to provide preliminary data on the effectiveness of collaborating with horses to teach emotional intelligence and leadership competencies, a pro

Comparing Equid Skulls for Insight into Behavioral Differences

Researchers took all sorts of measurements comparing the skulls of standardbred horses to those of donkeys and found that their olfactory bulbs differed in both size and placement.

New Research on Cooling Down Horses during Hot, Humid Weather

Study compared methods for cooling horses in hot, humid conditions, testing the hypothesis that continual application of running water is the most effective method to decrease core temperature.
