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Colorado Western Slope Mustang Discovery Ride Project "Meet The Mustangs" Events

There are currently 53,000+ wild horses in holding pens across America. with each and every one deserving a loving home. Can we inspire you to want to adopt one of these living legends?

Liniments for Horses: Types, Uses, and Cautions

Many formulas, potions and products have been used as liniments and poultices over the years and some old-time trainers had their own secret ingredients and wouldn’t tell what was in their liniment.

Amicus Equine "Pay It Forward" Program

The equine lifestyle is a special one. It is hard to put into words the bond between a rider and their horse. Yet so often we forget how fortunate not only we are, but our horses as well.

DC Politics Frustrate Intl. Equine Conference Attendees

Attendees at the International Equine Conference in Virginia are learning how hard it is to get things done in Washington, D C. as they are being told that the anti-horse slaughter bills do not have the support of the leaders of the committees in the Hous

Tooth Floaters VS Vets

An on-going controversy about who should be allowed to perform horse dentistry including the all-important floating of equine teeth continues throughout the United States, with various groups jumping in on each side of the controversy. Should it be

Don't Treat Your Donkey Like a Horse

Although donkeys are becoming more popular as pets, many equine veterinarians have not routinely treated donkeys, according to a paper presented at an American Association of Equine Practitioners conference. Donkeys and horses have many anatomical

Minnesota Free Stallion Castration Clinic

  Free Stallion Castration Clinic in Minnesota The Minnesota Horse Welfare Coalition will offer a free, one-day stallion castration clinic on Saturday, April 16, 2011 in Cold Spring, MN at Siete Leguas Equine Vet Services. The goal of the clin

Fertility Control for Wild Horses

The Bureau of Land Management is proposing the implementation of a field darting fertility control program for the McCullough Peaks Wild Horse Herd Management Area.  They are seeking comments from the public at this time.

Trail Horse Finalists to Compete

In April, the American Competitive Trail Horse Association (ACTHA) held auditions nationwide as a way to bring as much attention as possible, to the country’s fine and noble trail horse who has served this nation so magnificently.

NJ Fire Kills 22 Horses

A barn fire that erupted early Saturday morning, on January 21, in the barn at Heritage Acres owned by Arthur Hahn and his wife, Betty has killed 22 horses. A neighbor saw the flames and aroused the Hahns, but by then the barn was fully engulfed and by
