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New DOL Rule Affects Horse Industry Today

This new H-2B rule which goes into effect today, April 23, 2012, will make significant changes to the way the H-2B program operates for all employers including those in the horse industry.

Research Study on Diagnostics for Equine Osteoarthritis of the Neck

Clinical signs of osteoarthritis in the neck include atrophy/muscle wasting, stiff neck, difficulty when ridden, and sometimes front limb lameness.

AAEP Publishes Glanders Guidelines for Horse Owners and Veterinarians

Prompt identification, euthanasia and appropriate disposal of all positive cases of the disease is critical to effective prevention and control of Glanders in horses.

Horse Hoof Care in Winter

Winter weather puts a strain on all body tissues in the horse with special challenges for the hooves, so don't skimp on hoof care over the winter.

2022 Kentucky Equine Survey Hitting Mailboxes Now

Survey of equines in Kentucky will improve equine health care, inform workforce development, and supply critical information for making informed decisions related to equines and their owners.

Dealing with Climate Change Effects on Horse Health

Warmer environments will generally increase mosquitoes, bot flies and tick borne diseases, as well as rain scald, greasy heel and respiratory tract infections.

Three Horses Confirmed Positive for Infectious Anemia in South Carolina

There is no treatment for equine Infectious anemia, so if an infected animal does not die from the disease it will become a lifelong carrier serving as a reservoir for the disease, putting other equines at risk.

Julie Goodnight's Most In-Demand Horse Expo Presentations

Goodnight offers informative and entertaining demonstrations and clinics, as well as compelling lectures and inspiring keynote speeches that encompass all aspects of riding, training, behavior, and leadership.

New Equine Standing CT Scanner Installed at MU Veterinary Health Center

The standing CT reduces the risks involved in the procedure by removing the need for general anesthesia for the horse and we're planning to use the CT on a wide variety of cases.

Can Horses Help with Leadership Skills?

Winning With Horse Power is described as an innovative new equine experiential learning venture that is dedicated to advancing the awareness of equine experiential learning with a strong business application.
