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Calendars Help Support Horse Rescue

Just in time for holiday gift buying, photographer Barbara O'Brien (Barbara O'Brien Photography), whose monthly articles and beautiful photographs grace every issue of Omega Fields' monthly Health-E-Letter, is once again offering collections o

Equine Guelph Launches Research Radio

Equine Guelph has teamed up with Trot Radio's Norm Borg and SSG Gloves to produce Research Radio, an online podcast updating you on the latest equine research by scientists at the Ontario Veterinary College and University of Guelph

Free Radicals—Bad Guys Meet Their Match: Dr Getty’s October Tip

What is all the fuss about free radicals, and what does it mean for your horse’s health? A free radical is a very unhappy molecule. Although it was once stable, it is now missing an electron. Determined to become whole, it sets out in search of another

Fear of Hendra Virus Affects Horse Competitions

About 50 people attended an information session at Redlynch State School on Friday night, where experts from Queensland Biosecurity, Queensland Health and Workplace Health and Safety fielded a range of questions from concerned horse owners about Hendra vi

Anesthesia for Equines Now Less Problematic

Emerging techniques, newer drugs and the continuing education of practitioners indicate that equine anesthesia is becoming less problematic.

Weekly Prizes for "Best Grooming Tip"

Pro Equine Grooms is pleased to announce the supplier of prizes for the Weekly “Best Grooming Tip” contest as Kentucky Performance Products for the month of December. 

LIFEFORCE Sponsoring Horse Farm Basketball

The Race For Education is proud to announce LIFEFORCE as the 2012 Horse Farm Basketball presenting sponsor.  The new location will be Southern Hills United Methodist Church on Harrodsburg Road.

6 Top Seasonal Tips for Horse Health from Equine Guelph

”Long hot summers can take their toll of both horses and horse owners so follow these 6 tips from Equine Guelph for keeping your horse healthy and ready for action.”

Musculoskeletal Injuries Heal with Stem Cell/PRP Treatment

The Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, Research Institute Codivilla-Putti, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute in Bologna, Italy has reported on a study done on regenerative medicine for the treatment of musculoskeletal overuse injuries in competi

Severe Penalties for Use of Zilpaterol

The RCI Board called for a minimum penalty of one year suspension and fines in excess of $10,000 for a first Zilpaterol hydrochloride (Zillmax) violation. A second violation would result in a three year suspension and a minimum fine of $25,000. A third
