You can make a difference! Donate to our California Equine Emergency Fund to directly help relief and recovery efforts of animals affected by CA wild fires.
The stallion, Spot My Blue Boy, showed incredible heart after his injury, taking every treatment with massive stoicism.
Gwen Wills of the Pennsylvania Equine Council will speak about the issues, solutions, and collaborations necessary to develop and maintain trails.
Webinar will address trail behaviors and environmental practices that help equestrians to protect and grow access to equestrian trails.
Western Milling will pay $2.4 million to settle a Fresno Superior Court lawsuit for selling tainted feed that killed or severely injured 49 horses in Clovis, California.
For well-trained horses that are used to people, crowds, and excitement, all may be well, but Halloween is a spooky time that may cause horses to spook.
Horses have reduced color vision compared to humans, and only differentiate objects in a palette of blues and yellows.
Halloween is a festive time with costumes, tricks, and treats, but protecting your horse from spooky situations is important for you and your horse.
Horselookup provides a central informational source for the equine industry and the promotion of microchipping as a form of permanent identification.
Equine Guelph has now released their 12 week Online courses for Fall 2018 - Summer 2019.