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Dr. Juliet Getty Speaks on How to Protect Your Horse's Immune System on Monty Roberts' Horsemanship Radio

Join Dr. Getty to see how you can boost the horse's immunity through dietary means, including a discussion on CBD, mushrooms, colostrum, and other approaches.

Dr. Juliet Getty Speaks on Transitioning to Winter Feeding on Monty Roberts' Horsemanship Radio

Join Dr. Getty for guidance on the best ways to keep horses warm, and in good flesh, while protecting them against colic that often occurs in cold weather.

PATH Intl. Announces 2013 Conference Sponsors

For the fourth year, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International announces that Purina Animal Nutrition is the title sponsor of its conference and annual meeting along with 18 other companies and organizations that will sponsor

Horses Healing Hearts Mentorship Program Thriving as Founder Leaves for College

”Founder of Horses Healing Hearts Mentorship Program, Amanda Chaplin is handing over the leadership baton and heading for college, but this unique program for children living with alcoholism and addiction is off and running, thanks to her efforts.”

Standing with Wild Mustangs: The Virtual Reality Experience Brought to You by America’s Mustang

The America's Mustang Experience is a 40 ft. interactive trailer filled with educational videos and information about mustangs and the public lands on which they live.

Dr. Lydia Gray of SmartPak Elected to Board of Equine Practitioners

”SmartPak is pleased to announce that its Staff Veterinarian and Medical Director, Dr. Lydia Gray, has recently been elected to the Northeast Association of Equine Practitioners (NEAEP) Board of Directors.”

Annual Stallion Auction to Benefit Equine Research at CSU

The Orthopaedic Research Center at Colorado State University is known worldwide for joint problem prevention and healing research in the horse with some recently expanded work in human athletes.

Hormonal (Endocrinopathic) Laminitis in Equines

Laminitis caused by high insulin is different from other types.

New Cornell Study Reveals a Piece in Persistent Equine Allergies Puzzle

Our findings suggest that this specific type of white blood cell communicates to the rest of the immune system even when there are no allergy symptoms therefore helping initiate and maintain allergic responses.

Anonymous Racehorse Breeder Fulfills Malone Challenge with $20 Million Gift for CSU Regenerative Research

”Dr. Wayne McIlwraith, founder of the CSU Orthopaedic Research Center, conducts arthroscopic surgery on an equine patient. He has led planning for the university’s Institute of Biologic Translational Therapies.”
