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Dr. Getty's Four Favorite Calming Ingredients for Horses

A horse’s history and his current environment, can influence behavior, so removing stressors from your horse’s life may be the best calming agent of all.

BLM Plan to Round Up of 6,000 Wild Horses from Public Lands Assailed

According to AWHC , BLM's push to reduce wild horse populations to the "appropriate management level" will leave these wild horse populations at extinction level.


Learn about the causes of dehydration in horses, how to tell if your horse is dehydrated, and the physiological problems affecting the horse's main systems if dehydration is not treated quickly and effectively.

Equine Guelph Names September Senior Horse Education Month

Horse owners need to be vigilant monitoring for musculoskeletal abnormalities, gastrointestinal issues, dental problems, eyesight issues, respiratory concerns, among others, which are more prevalent with age.

BLM Wyoming Wild Horse Roundup Delayed as Advocates Appeal to Tenth Circuit

The push to remove the horses is coming from the Rock Springs Grazing Association, whose members view the mustangs as competition for cheap, taxpayer-subsidized livestock grazing on the public lands in the checkerboard.

Talking Horse Welfare in Canada: How Do We See Our Industry?

Survey participants agreed that there were welfare issues in the Canadian equine industry, citing unwanted horses, inappropriate training methods, and unknowledgeable owners as key issues within the industry.

A Billion Reasons to Manage Your Horse Pasture

One high-shedder horse can drop 6+ billion eggs that have the potential to become infective larvae in a pasture over a year’s time. One low-shedder horse can drop 1.5+ billion eggs that have the potential to become infective larvae in a pasture over a y

Survey Results Evaluate the Effect of Coronavirus Pandemic on Equine Management in US & Canada

While there is no evidence that COVID 19 is a problem for horses, over 40% of respondents reported they had to change horse management because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another Legal Win for Wild Horse Advocates

Idaho Court rules that BLM violated three federal laws with plans to sterilize an entire wild horse herd.
