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Mustang Heritage Foundation Reaches 10,000 Wild Horse and Burro Placements and Witnesses Increased Momentum

Across the United States, wild horses and burros are placed into the Trainer Incentive Program created and managed by the Mustang Heritage Foundation to prepare them for adoption.

Vaccination Equi-Planner Healthcare Tool Now Available from Equine Guelph

Along with flu shots, horse owners need to consider other immunizations that can help preserve their horse's health including optional or risk-based vaccinations.

The Magic of ACTHA Continues with Horse Charity Contributions

ACTHA channels as much as possible to the charities they serve and is well on pace due to their marketing and pacts with major entities like the Unwanted Horse Coalition and Horses 4 Heroes..

Winter Management for the Outdoor Horse

"The ideal environment for most horses is to live outside with herd mates 24/7. This satisfies their need for locomotion and provides their digestive system with the optimal conditions to function as nature intended.”

Winter Foot Pain in Metabolic Horses

Horses with cold-induced hoof pain show obvious lameness and often typical laminitis stance, but without bounding pulses or heat in their feet.

Fear the Fungi When It Comes to Feeding Your Horse

Just-released 3-year study cites steamed hay as critical to preventing Inflammatory Airway Disease, a stealth equine ailment that affects over 80% of horses.

Winter Foot Pain in Metabolic Horses

Horses with cold-induced hoof pain show obvious lameness and often typical laminitis stance, but without bounding pulses or heat in their feet.

Equine Disease Monitoring System Can Help Horse Owners Stay Informed

This outbreak of EHV-1 is believed to have first surfaced in barrel horses near the Twin Cities.8 After its initial detection, several equestrian events were canceled or postponed.

Days End Farm Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary

It started in 1989, when a compassionate woman glimpsed a gelding suffering from neglect and decided to give the animal a second chance in her backyard.

Can Learning About Horses Make You Feel Less Afraid of Them?

'Somewhere you must have read that ‘my life’s goal is to leave the world a better place than I found it for horses and for people too. It is your exact response that leads me to believe that this goal is working.'
