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Dr. Juliet Getty Speaks on the Hormonal Response to Stress - Causes, Impact, and Repair on Monty Roberts' Horsemanship Radio

Dr. Juliet Getty, internationally respected equine nutritionist, shares tips about horses' hormonal response to stress and more in interview with Monty Roberts' daughter, Debbie Roberts Loucks.

Ancient DNA Reveals Yukon Wild Horses Survived Thousands of Years

DNA evidence shows the woolly mammoth and North American horse persisted as recently as 5,000 years ago, bringing them into the mid-Holocene period, roughly 11,000 years ago.

Horse Barns On The Move - What's On Your Horizon?

Sometimes life gets busy or moving plans take time to execute and a barn is needed pronto.

Feeding Foals After Weaning

Weanling horses require support and feeding adjustments as they grow and it’s important to think about their nutritional requirements.

Public Outraged by BLM Planned Wild Horse Sterilization Experiments

”Public outrage is rising over a planned series of inhumane, dangerous and experimental sterilization procedures by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on 225 mares at the agency’s Wild Horse Corrals in Hines, Oregon.”

NSAIDs - Are You Following the Rules for Show Horses?

”NSAIDs are typically used to treat conditions such as the pain and inflammation associated with equine osteoarthritis and most shows follow the United States Equestrian Federation Equine Drugs and Medications Rule, which outlines specifics in regard to

Published: Canagliflozin for Control of Refractory Equine Hyperinsulinemia and Laminitis

Kellon and Gustafson suggest that once daily administration of the SGLT2 inhibitor canagliflozin corrected hyperglycemia, and reduced insulin to normal or near normal levels.(. . .)

Free Run-in Shed for Your Horse, Free Fantasia Tickets, Weddings and Wait Times

Time to enter the Horizon Structures Sweepstakes for a chance to win a brand-new run-in shed valued at over $3500.00, plus learn about other fabulous offers.
