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Neil Davies is Quietly But Surely Revolutionizing the Horse World

Neil Davies developed a style that is eloquent and simple and so his incredible book was born, FEAR-FREE HORSE TRAINING, Every Step of the Way.

Horizon Structures Presents Series: The Practicalities of Mixing Horsepower Housing

Melding the horse barn with the garage space offers a neat way to house a truck and horse trailer, even allowing horses and show supplies to be loaded under cover.

University of Kentucky’s Aged Horse Care and Education Facility Marks Official Opening

The Linda Mars Aged Horse Care and Education Facility will help lead breakthroughs in care for older horses, a demographic making up approximately one-third of the worldwide horse population.

Court Grants Wild Horse Advocates’ Motion to Intervene in Another Rancher Anti-Mustang Lawsuit

”We seek to stop the BLM from cutting a backroom deal with ranchers to remove even more wild horses from our public lands in order to make room for more taxpayer-subsidized livestock grazing.”

Horse Expo Pomona Premiere - A Success

Build it and they will come. And that’s exactly what happened when the gates at Horse Expo Pomona in California opened in early February, and people poured into the Fairplex grounds for this first-time-ever event.

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Barn Design and Management Tips For Competition Horses

If the barn building has not yet begun the opportunity to cater for the requirements of the competition horses in their own "wing" is a great design choice.

A New Year of Horse Health!

Haygain highlights five management tips for horse health and comfort based on how horses' bodies are affected by aspects of their management routine and environment.

Tens of Thousands of Citizens Oppose Massive Oregon Mustang Roundup

”The American public is outraged over the illegal sale of protected mustangs for slaughter and the BLM’s plans to round up thousands more wild horses when the BLM already stockpiles 50,000 captured mustangs who are in grave danger of being sold for sl

Tips from the Top: "Stay Calm" is the Bottom Line for Dealing with Horses

Over 13 years of caring for a top horseman's top horses all over the world, Denise has developed a rock-solid calm core and no matter how tense the circumstances, her methods and mindset work.

"Stay Calm" is the Bottom Line for Dealing with Horses

Over 13 years of caring for a top horseman's top horses all over the world, Denise has developed a rock-solid calm core and no matter how tense the circumstances, her methods and mindset work.
