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OEF Member Equine Research Fund To Help Horses for Life with Research

The 'OEF Member Equine Research Fund' is a revolution in helping horses for life by funding ground-breaking research.

4 Steps To Healthy Hoofs for Your Horse

”Every rider has heard the saying “no hoof, no horse.” But many don’t know that there are four key areas that can influence their horse’s hoof health.”

USRider Offers Horse Owners Travel Season Preparation Tips

Before travel season begins, it is critically important for horse owners to perform basic, yet essential, maintenance on their trailers. USRider, the national provider of emergency roadside assistance for horse owners, reminds equestrians to invest time d

Gayle Ecker of Equine Guelph Receives Prestigious 2015 Equine Industry Vision Award

”Gayle Ecker who has used science-based knowledge to educate people on the health of horses has received the prestigious 2015 Equine Industry Vision Award to recognize her lifelong commitment to advancing the equine industry.”

PAST Act Introduced in Senate as More Evidence for Ending Walking Horse Abuse Surfaces

The exaggerated and artificial gait that results from soring is referred to as the “Big Lick,” and it has been rewarded in the Tennessee walking horse industry.

Monty Roberts Helps Horse Go From Refusing to Race to Refusing to Lose

Pakistan Star is the highest earning German bred Thoroughbred in history, globally, and also the highest earning horse that Monty Roberts has ever worked with.

Annual Investment in Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training

The most valuable part of the Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training workshop course was the experience level of the various instructors who brought unique perspectives to the course content.

Dorothy Brooke: A Hero Worth Celebrating for Her Devotion to Equines Everywhere

During June, Brooke USA celebrates Dorothy Brooke who founded the world's largest equine welfare charity that has provided care for horses, donkeys, and mules for 90 years.

Horizon Structures Series Presents: Sensitivity in Horse Barn Design as a Steward of the Land

In most cases no compromise to the efficiency or low maintenance needs of a modern barn design needs to be made if you seek to honor the style of a traditional horse barn.

"Wild Lands Wild Horses"to be Featured in Catalyst Film Festival

'Wild Lands Wild Horses' will be screened on Saturday, October 2, at 3 p.m. and will be followed by a live Q & A with creator Jamie Baldanza.
