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First Icelandic Pony Named to AERC's Hall of Fame

Remington, a 26-year-old Icelandic pony, has thrived in a sport dominated by Arabians and this year the American Endurance Ride Conference named Remington as their Hall of Fame Equine.

Horizon Structures Presents Series: Driving Home Your Best New Horse Barn Deal

A center aisle barn is a popular design choice but it doesn’t have to be a high-profile design since a low-profile barn will do the same job at much less expense, if you don’t have need of a loft space.

Bathing Your Horse

Learn what you need to have handy when bathing your horse and the 9 steps to get your horse thoroughly clean and dry.

The Equine Psyche

The fears and needs of your horse are stuck there in the back of its psyche based on millions of years of experience. Learn how 4 essential needs form and dictate your horse's behavior.

Does My Horse Need Shoes?

Learn about the 5 factors that you should use in determining whether or not to shoe your horse, and the importance of working with your veterinarian and farrier in making your decision.

Ten Tips for Better Horse Health this Winter

Winter has arrived in many areas and while you may be tempted to wrap your horse in a warm blanket and leave the horse in a heated barn for the cold season. Avoid that urge. Your horse is better off if you refrain from too much over-coddling him.

Ten Tips for Better Winter Horse Health

Ensure that your horse stays healthy this winter by using common sense and making sure that the basic needs of water, feed, exercise, grooming and hoof care are not forgotten.

Horse Owners Place Significant Trust in Their Veterinarian

Survey respondents reported equine veterinarians as most trusted source by horse owners for vaccination and deworming practices.

Sudden Behavior Changes in Your Horse - What is the Source?

Behavior changes in your horse can be baffling, upsetting and downright frustrating especially if you are preparing for a show or just want to relax on the trails.

Landmark Field Investigation of Horse Slaughter Released

The report finds that the instant a horse is designated a 'kill horse' handling and treatment deteriorate from horses previously treated as companions or working animals.
