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Show Your Horse You Care This Holiday Season

With the arrival of cold weather and the holiday season, horse owners can show their horses that they care by giving their equines a little extra care, some special healthy treats, and an opportunity to exercise their legs and take in plenty of good fresh

Putting Down Your Horse - Planning Ahead for a Good Death

Read about planning ahead for a worst-case scenario when you,as a horse owner, will have to make decisions related to ending the life of your horse. Learn about the options available and the information you will need.

The Unwanted Horse Finds a New Friend

Mountain Horse® has selected to sponsor the Diamond in the Rough Award which goes to horses coming from a rescue category that compete in ACTHA events.

Innovative Sports Horse Auction Returns

The horses include recently started young horses as well as proven FEI competitors and two foals by the world champion dressage horse, Totilas.

Research Team to Determine If Horses Distinguish Between Neurotypical and Mentally Traumatized Humans

”Horses and Humans Research Foundation is pleased to announce the award of its first ever ‘Innovation Research Grant’ to a team from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.”

Tips for Keeping Equines Healthy and Happy During Cold Weather

As the weather turns cold, many horses are ridden less and less and horse owners become busy with holiday preparations and other activities. This makes it easy to become relaxed in a horse's daily care since they are not being used or seen as often. a

Hendra Disease Confirmed in Two Queensland Horses

Biosecurity Queensland is managing two new Hendra virus cases - one near Rockhampton and the other near Ingham - after positive test results were received late last night.

New Law Will Protect At-Risk Horses and Local Communities in Kentucky

A new law to reduce the hold period for stray horses from 90 days to 15 days will allow more positive outcomes for horses and the local communities since horse can becared for and rehomed much sooner.

Wild Horse Coalition Lauds BLM Pryor Mustang Management Program

”The BLM is to be commended for ending cruel helicopter roundups in the Pryor Mountains and for utilizing a humane birth control vaccine as an alternative to the removal of wild horses from the range and administering it in a manner that keeps the horse

New Insect Repellent for Horse and Rider

Have you been waiting for an insect repellent that you can use with confidence on your horse . . .
