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Top Five Ways To Get Your Horse Ready for Spring Vaccines

It’s that time of year, again, when horse owners need to schedule their vaccines with their veterinarian.  Knowing which ones are necessary, and preparing for their administration is beneficial to everyone included: the horse, the vet, and the handler.

Preventing Diseases Related to Allergic Reactions in Horses

Because horses with chronic, untreated allergic reactions can end up with irreversible lung damage, early diagnosis and treatment are important to the comfort and usefulness of an affected horse.

Does Your Horse Need a Neurological Examination?

The ingredients to successfully diagnosing neurological problems in your horse are a thorough knowledge of how the normal horse behaves and moves, a systematic examination, and experience.

Horses in Trouble Ask Humans for Help

"The high social cognitive skills of horses towards humans might partially explain why humans and horses have a collaborative relationship today.”

The Importance of Maintaining the Health of Your Horse's Mouth

Your horse will be more comfortable, will utilize feed more efficiently, may perform better, and may even live longer because routine dental care is essential to your horse's health.

Outbreak Alert Warns Horse Owners of Diseases

The anniversary of the EHV-1 outbreak of 2011 is approaching and horse owners need to know about the disease, its risks, and the biosecurity necessary to keep horses from contracting this deadly disease. Although many horse owners comfort themselves with

New Rules Limit Encounters with Wild Horses

To help reduce the incidence of too-close encounters with wild horses on Assateague Island, two new regulations have been adopted and will now be enforced by National Park Service Rangers. 

Healthy Horse or Not? Veterinarian Tells Horse Owners How To Determine in 10 Minutes or Less!

A quick evaluation of your horse can be done in less than 10 minutes, so by checking him daily, you will know what is normal and what is not.

The Impact of Short-term Transportation Stress on Endocrine and Immune Function in Horses

Transportation stress led to physiological changes and heart rate and cortisol increased with the highest heart rates recorded at loading and serum and salivary cortisol highest directly after transport.

CDFA Monitoring for Equine Herpes Virus-1 Cases

Although California currently does not have any cases of Equine Herpes Virus-1, alerts with recommendations for participants at equine events are being issued with the hope of preventing more cases this year.  California Department of Food and  Animal H
