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Risk of West Nile Virus Returns

The risk of a return of West Nile virus to California this year is renewing calls for horse owners to make sure their animals are vaccinated. In 2011, 15 horses in California were confirmed positive for West Nile Virus. Four of the 15 were euthanized. All

Free Guide Released on Horse Jumping

MyHorse Daily, a new online community featuring daily articles from industry experts, how-to videos and horse care tips, announced the release of a new free guide on training for horse owners, Fine Tuning Horse Jumping: Hunter-Jumper Expert Steven Weiss a

Your Horse's Coat Tells Tales

Learn how your horse's hair coat is indicative of not only the time of year, but its age and the state of its health.

Nevada Horse Rescue Seeks Custody of Neglected Equines

A horse rescue operation in Wells, Nevada is hoping to gain custody of 31 horses seized from a Churchill County property two weeks ago. On Wednesday, the Justice of the Peace in Fallon ruled the Northeastern Nevada Equine rescue can take the horses, if it

Case of Potomac Horse Fever Brings Alerts

Potomac horse fever is most commonly found near creeks and rivers and likely caused when horses ingest infected aquatic insects such as damselflies, caddisflies and mayflies.

Research Shows a Variety of Equine-Assisted Therapy Benefits

Research shows that horse back riding and caring for a horse pays huge dividends for many including the disabled, children with autism, adults suffering from depression and various addictions.

Hundreds of Wild Horses Sheared and Trimmed in Spanish Festival

Hundreds of wild horses have been rounded up and wrestled to the ground as part of a 400-year-old Spanish festival during which the horses are sheared and trimmed by men in the village.

Awareness Counts When It Comes to Dermatitis in Horses During Winter Months

Dermatitis affects the belly and inside of the fore and hind legs and clinical signs are appear soon after the horse contracts the Dermatophilus congolensis.

Time to Ride 100 Day Horse Challenge Winners to be Announced October 1st

With an estimated 25,000 newcomers reached by the new nationwide grassroots effort this summer, the Time to Ride 100 Day Horse Challenge has concluded on a successful note.
