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Why Do Horses Eat Dirt?

For the health of the horse, please allow some daily access to dirt. It's healthy, nutritious and natural!

It All Started With the Theft of a Horse Named Idaho

Stolen Horse International is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a leader in equine identification and all things associated with missing and stolen horses in the equine industry.

Moving a Horse from Familiar Circumstances Can Be Stressful

A study confirms what was previously thought; separating young horses from their group and stalling them in individual box stalls is perceived as stressful by the horses.

Check Under the Blanket - Has Your Horse's Body Condition Score Changed?

if a horse has a good appetite and seems to eat normally but is losing significant amounts of weight, owners and veterinarians have reason to suspect a serious problem.

Is Your Horse Sweating Too Much?

It is summer time and the increased heat and humidity can harm your horse if you are not paying attention. When a horse faces a combination of too much exercise and hot, humid weather, heat stroke may occur.

Horse-soring Indictments

The Humane Society of the United States has applauded US authorities including the Agriculture Office of Inspector General, The Justice Department, and the US Attorney's Office in Knoxville, Tennessee, for obtaining a horse-soring abuse indictment

Learning Life Skills Through Horse Power

Horse back riding lessons are provided by Taking the Reins, a nonprofit group that teaches horse care and riding to girls with the esteem-building aim of "empowering girls through horse power," according to the group's slogan.

Applying a Standing Wrap for Bandage Support

The standing wrap is the most basic bandage used on a horse, and one that every horseman should know how to do properly because it protects the horse's legs, tendons, and ligaments, while the horse is in a stall or during transport.

Debunking 4 Popular Myths about Beet Pulp for Horses

Although anecdotal stories about individual horses may have lead to these myths or old wives' tales about beet pulp as feed, research and experience have largely discounted them and supplied information that horse owners can take to heart.

Tips for Making Winter Riding Safer

Riding your horse during the winter gives you both a chance to keep fit and enjoy the beauty of a winter landscape. This article offers tips to help you keep safe, and prepare for a winter horse ride.
