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Horse Owners EQStable App by Zoetis Available for iPhone

My Stable prompts horse owners for information about their horses to create individual profiles and manage their needs, from vaccinations and exercise to shoeing and deworming.

Wild Fire Prevention Tips for Horse Owners

A wild fire evacuation plan that can be quickly implemented is a major factor in saving not only the monetary loss of your horse(s) but also the emotional loss.

Day 1 of Modoc Wild Horse Roundup With No Change in Plan to Sell Hundreds for Slaughter

The plan to sell hundreds of wild horses by the truckload for $1 a piece including for slaughter is a gross violation of the public trust.

Horse Experts Weigh In on the Effects of Fear on Training

New video raises the question of whether a horse can learn if it is afraid and explores the impact of fear on a horse’s capacity to be trained.

A Breath of Fresh Air: Respiratory Health in the Senior Horse

Maintaining respiratory health in the senior horse requires constant monitoring on the part of the owner, but the results are more than worth it.

Mucous Membranes Offer Clues to Cases of Shock in Horses

Deprived of oxygen and nutrients, the organs begin to fail and if the shock isn’t treated, the horse will eventually lose consciousness, the heart will stop and the horse will die.

7 Tips for Winterizing Your Senior Horse

Making sure your senior horse is comfortable for winter with a little additional body fat to serve as insulation and energy reserves in times when temperatures become frigid is important for good health.

American CompetitiveTrail Horse Assn Documents 1,762 Horses Re-Employed

The American Competitive Trail Horse Association has records on all of the horses that participate as members and "Our registry indicated 1,762 horses have been taken out of rescues, or rescue situations, to work at ACTHA."

Celebrate National Horse Day - Give the Gift of Education

As we celebrate National Horse Day on December 13, 2014, we would like to take time to reflect on how horses enrich our lives and the simple things they need in return as they continue to play a much-needed role in society.

What's the Real Cost of Humanely Euthanizing and Disposing of a Horse?

Some opponents of legislation to end horse slaughter like to argue the high cost of euthanasia and disposal; however, this survey shows that humane euthanasia and carcass disposal is highly affordable and widely available.
