Being well prepared for a veterinarian's visit ensures that necessary procedures for your horse will be effectively completed and will help you and your horse establish a good relationship with the veterinarian.
Although horses are very adaptable to cold weather, managing their physical and nutritional needs takes some planning.
Over the years, researchers have thoroughly investigated the evolution of horses and determined that the way horses live in the wild can serve as a guide for caring for domesticated horses.
The nutritional value of forage and hay grown in drought-stricken areas plummets and as a result, horse nutrition is compromised and in the case of wildfires, horses face respiratory consequences.
Summer's heat and humidity can be much more than just uncomfortable for your horse; they can be deadly and can lead to disastrous consequences as a result of inadequate care or belief in common myths about heat, cold water, and their effect on horses.
Geldings are preferred by some people over mares because geldings tend to be more mellow and predictable because their emotions are more on an even keel when compared to some mares.
Learn about teaching children who are going on a first ride what they need to know and what to do to fully enjoy riding horses.
Learn about teaching young would-be equestrians what they need to know and do, beginning with basic safety rules that will enable every child to proudly take on the responsibilities of good horsemanship.
Oh, the joys of summer! Read these last 5 timely tips to learn why your horse needs special attention to prevent the problems that summer brings such as flies, ticks, sunburn, dehydration, and cracked hoofs, as you Spring into Summer.
Read these timely tips to learn why your horse needs special attention to skin, hoof, and fitness conditions as winter departs, pastures become lush and green, and the two of you Spring into Summer.